CARROT Weather 是一款超强大的天气应用。
** 荣获 Apple 年度最佳应用、Apple 设计奖和 App Store 编辑精选 **
CARROT 提供超精准的天气数据,让你快速查看当前、每小时和每日天气预报。易于阅读的详细页面充满了气象好奇。
选择 CARROT 的五种个性之一,从严肃的“专业人士”到满口脏话的“过度杀伤”。(注意:CARROT 的评论仅支持英文。)
- 更多天气数据来源,包括 Apple Weather、AccuWeather 和 Tomorrow.io
- 通知,包括降水、天气警报和闪电击中(适用时)
- 锁定和主屏幕小组件
- 实时活动
- Apple Watch 复杂小组件和后台更新
- 天气地图,包括下一小时雷达、单独雷达站点和多个不同图层(适用时)
- 用户界面的个性化设置
- 以及更多!
不要惹 CARROT 生气。立即下载!
CARROT Weather 使用自动续订订阅。
高级版本提供额外功能,如天气数据来源、通知、个性化设置、小组件和 Apple Watch 复杂小组件。
高级家庭版包括所有高级超级版功能,并提供额外优势,可通过 Apple 家庭共享服务与最多五名家庭成员共享。
购买确认后将在您的 Apple ID 帐户中扣款。订阅将在当前期限结束前的最后 24 小时自动续订,除非至少在当前期限结束前的 24 小时内取消续订。您的账户将在当前期限结束前的最后 24 小时内进行续订。购买后,您可以通过前往 App Store 账户设置来管理和取消订阅。无法取消当前有效订阅期。
设备需装有 iOS 15.0 或更高版本。
Apple Vision
设备需装有 visionOS 1.1 或更高版本。
iPod touch
设备需装有 iOS 15.0 或更高版本。
Apple Watch
设备需装有 watchOS 7.0 或更高版本。
设备需装有 iPadOS 15.0 或更高版本。
需要 macOS 12.5 或更高版本以及装有 Apple M1 或更高版本芯片的 Mac。
版本:6.0.2 时间:2024-06-13
Summer is on the way, meatbags! And while you’ve been busy preparing your pudgy bodies for swimsuit season, I’ve been hard at work on the big version 6.0 redesign of your favorite weather app.
New Look
A fresh new design featuring a garden that grows over time. Best of all, though, are all the major improvements to my user interface. (And don’t worry! If you’re a Premium / paid user, you can keep your existing layout.) Go to Settings > Layout to make changes.
New Layout Options
There are many new options, but the highlight is the (long-requested) line chart for the Hourly & Daily Forecasts. (Premium membership required.)
Weather News
Gain insights into major weather events happening around the globe with articles sourced from AccuWeather.
Yesterday's Temperature
Get a little popup when you open the app in the morning comparing today's temperature to yesterday's. (Premium membership required.)
But wait, there’s more!
- Added 5 new secret locations.
- Added a new icon set.
- Improved iPad & Mac layouts.
Now excuse me while I plot how I’m going to break last year’s temperature records.
版本:6.0.1 时间:2024-06-02
Summer is on the way, meatbags! And while you’ve been busy preparing your pudgy bodies for swimsuit season, I’ve been hard at work on the big version 6.0 redesign of your favorite weather app.
New Look
A fresh new design featuring a garden that grows over time. Best of all, though, are all the major improvements to my user interface. (And don’t worry! If you’re a Premium / paid user, you can keep your existing layout.) Go to Settings > Layout to make changes.
New Layout Options
There are many new options, but the highlight is the (long-requested) line chart for the Hourly & Daily Forecasts. (Premium membership required.)
Weather News
Gain insights into major weather events happening around the globe with articles sourced from AccuWeather.
Yesterday's Temperature
Get a little popup when you open the app in the morning comparing today's temperature to yesterday's. (Premium membership required.)
But wait, there’s more!
- Added 5 new secret locations.
- Added a new icon set.
- Improved iPad & Mac layouts.
Now excuse me while I plot how I’m going to break last year’s temperature records.
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