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Pyto IDE苹果版

Pyto IDE苹果版

  • 应用大小:944.04 MB
  • 应用语言:英文原版
  • 更新时间:2024-07-30
  • 应用类型:工具
  • 运行环境:iOS
  • 应用等级 :
  • 应用厂商:Develobile S.p.A.


  1. 苹果AppleUSB网卡Windows驱动 苹果AppleUSB网卡Windows驱动 最新版 vv3.14
  2. 下载之家文件名字符替换器v1.0绿色版(本站原创作品) 下载之家文件名字符替换器v1.0绿色版(本站原创作品)
  3. Idea Note Idea Note 官方版 v1.2.0


Pyto is an IDE for iPhone and iPad with a Python 3.10 Interpreter and all of the standard libraries plus more than 100 third party packages, as well as a C & C++ compiler and bitcode interpreter. Includes a terminal with standard UNIX commands, a code editor with code completion, support for Shortcuts, Picture in Picture, a graphical interface builder and a debugger.

* Full version exclusive third party modules *

- Cython, cryptography, typed_ast, cv2, _cffi_backend, kiwisolver, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, lxml, Bio, sklearn, skimage, scipy, erfa, pywt, nacl, bcrypt, statsmodels, zmq, regex, gensim, astropy, emd, wasm3, yaml

* Built-in UNIX commands *

- alias, awk, cat, chflags, chmod, cksum, clang, compress, cp, curl, date, diff, dig, du, egrep, env, fgrep, find, grep, gunzip, gzip, head, host, ifconfig, link, lli, llvm-link, ln, ls, md5, mkdir, mv, nc, nslookup, open, openurl, pbcopy, pbpaste, ping, printenv, pwd, readlink, rlogin, rm, rmdir, say, scp, sed, sftp, sort, ssh, ssh-keygen, stat, sum, tail, tar, tee, telnet, touch, tr, unalias, uname, uncompress, uniq, unlink, uptime, wc, whoami, whois, wol

Take advantage system features with the following modules:

- pyto_ui - Build an user interface
- widgets - Home Screen Widgets
- file_system - iOS file system
- notifications - Schedule notifications
- remote_notifications - Receive remote notifications
- background - Run code in background
- pasteboard - Clipboard access
- userkeys - Save values on disk
- sound - Play sounds
- music - Access the Apple Music library
- photos - Accessing photos and the camera
- location - Access user's location
- motion - Motion sensors
- multipeer - Peer to peer wireless connection
- apps - Open third party apps
- xcallback - Interact with other apps
- sf_symbols - A list of SF Symbols names
- watch - Complications and static user interfaces for the Apple Watch



设备需装有 iPadOS 14.0 或更高版本。

iPod touch

设备需装有 iOS 14.0 或更高版本。

Apple Watch

设备需装有 watchOS 7.0 或更高版本。


设备需装有 iOS 14.0 或更高版本。


需要 macOS 11.0 或更高版本以及装有 Apple M1 或更高版本芯片的 Mac。

Apple Vision

设备需装有 visionOS 1.0 或更高版本。


版本:19.0.1 时间:2024-06-09

- Fixed template project with UI

版本:19.0 时间:2024-06-03

- Updated for iOS/iPadOS 17 - New interface builder for PytoUI - Shell on the code editor and multiple tabs on the full screen terminal - New project templates for C/C++ extensions and standalone programs - Other new improvements to Pyto libraries - Bug fixes


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  • 苹果版
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  • 有问题? 点此报错 + 投诉 + 提问,告知我们!

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